New Directions in Old Testament Studies - DVD - Ackerman, Freedman, Frymer-Kensky, Machinist


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Biblical Archaeology Society Lecture Series

I:  Miriam and Zipporah:  Women in the Life of Moses

Susan Ackerman  -  Dartmouth College  -  Professor Ackerman reflects on women's roles in ancient Israelite religion, offering the theory that women became leaders in times of crisis.   60 minutes

II:  The Goddess in the Hebrew Bible

David Noel Freedman  -  University of California, San Diego  -  Citing inscriptions, grammatical points, the Book of Jeremiah and the theoretical linking of Lady Wisdom with God, Professor Freedman explores this exciting aspect of Israelite religion.  54 minutes

III:  The Essence of Amos

Tikva Frymer-Kensky  -  University of Chicago  -  After defining the Book of Amos' ring structure,  Frymer-Kensky then shares Amos' central message of economic equality and charity.   44 minutes

IV:  Making Humans in the Image of God:  Reflections on Genesis 1:3

Peter Machinist  -  Harvard University  -  In reflecting on the Genesis Creation story, Professor Machinist uncovers implicit definitions of humanity and God.   61 minutes