Secrets Of The Menorah by Valerie Moody


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The Ark of the Covenant, Table of Showbread, and Alter of Incense were all fashioned of wood, and covered with gold.  This mixture portrayed "divinity covering humanity", which is a picture of redemption.  The Menorah, however, consisted only of the purest gold, as a picture of the Redeemer Himself.  The Menorah was fabricated from heavenly material (Revelation 21:18, 21).  Gold was the measure of godly character (Zechariah 13:9), and worldly riches (Genesis 13:2).  It was the standard of powerful kingdoms (Daniel 3:1).  It sanctified the world's most scared  rooms (1 Kings 6:22).  No other substance on earth captivated men more.  They sacrificed their health to mine it, and waged wars to keep it.  Made entirely of gold, the Menorah  was a lustrous and matchless Temple furnishing.  The Ark of the Covenant, for instance, was a chest which held objects.  The Table of Showbread was an actual table.  The Alter of Incense was an operational alter.  Each of these Temple vessels was designed to fulfill a role, and each resembled its purpose.  But, the Menorah was more spiritual than functional, with sacred design rather than practical design.  This book explores the Menorah's deeper implications  and connections.  Valerie shares little known secrets about its radiance, and the secret bond between the Menorah and the Divine Presence.  The reader will rediscover in this book the astonishing power of the Temple's golden lampstand.

76 Pages
