Book of Life Music Video DVD - Michael Nicholson


Regular price $8.00

Music Video on DVD by Michael Nicholson Book of Life (5:17) The title song "Book of Life" speaks of how salvation has come out of Zion. Y'shua is saving all those who repent and call upon His name. No longer do the nations of the world have to be strangers to the covenant God made with Israel. No longer do the nations of the world have to grope around in darkness without hope of their name being written in the lamb's book of life. This song sings of Ruth telling Naomi "your people will be my people and your God will be my God." It portrays Zechariah 8:23 being fulfilled as Gentiles go to Y'shua the Messiah and say "we will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you." We must go to Y'shua now while the book of life is open. he is waiting for you and me. 2. Shema (6:23) The "Shema" is the greatest commandment, to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul and might. This song sings the words written by the prophet Moshe in Deuteronomy 6:4-9. The Shema is the most important prayer in Judaism today. It was also the portion of scripture used by Y'shua to answer the question, "what is the greatest commandment?'' The words speak of how important the commandments of God are to the daily life of the believer. His words should be on our heart and we should teach them to our children. The children of God should speak His words when they sit in their house, walk by the way, lie down and rise up. They should be written on the door posts of our homes. The Shema is a song that talks about being in love with God, day in and day out.