From Creation Ministries International comes this unique 56-page full-color family magazine that gives God the glory, refutes evolution, and gives you the answers to defend your faith and uphold the true history of the world found in Genesis. The exciting articles provide great witnessing material that you won't find anywhere else!
Table of Contents:
Page / Title & Author
4–5 Feedback
6 Editorial: Christ the Creationist by Jonathan Sarfati
7–11 Focus—creation news and views
12–13 Squid do fly! by David Catchpoole
14–15 Fish dislike heavy metal: How trout cope with toxic polution by Philip Bell
16–17 Why did God give a book? by Lita Cosner
18–21 Pole vaulting and Creation Jonathan Sarfati chats with pole vaulting champion Scott Huffman
22–24 Noah’s Ark and salvation: Another reason the flood could not have been local by John Hartnett
25–27 Aboriginal knowledge amazes evolutionist astronomer by David Catchpoole
28–29 Human cloning? by Robert Carter
30–33 Creation for Kids: Why are there prickles? by Erin Hughes and Lita Cosner
34–37 Cats big and small by David Catchpoole
38–39 Three become one: Two fish and a pterosaur locked in a fatal struggle by Philip Robinson
40–42 Transhumanism: Mankind’s next step forward? by Calvin Smith
43–45 Creation pioneer looks back / The editors interview our magazine’s founder, Dr Carl Wieland
46–48 Coastal great escarpments caused by flood runoff by Michael Oard
49–51 Soil, trees and their fruit … why creation matters! by Gary Bates
52–55 Carl Linnaeus: the scientist who saw evidence for God in everything in nature by Russell Grigg
56 How many lives do cats have? by David Catchpoole