The King's Daughter by Diana Hagee


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Mordecai's challenge to Esther, "Were you not born for such a time as this?" is repeated for all women throughout the ages, says Diana Hagee. Every woman has a divine destiny. But women cannot fulfill that goal unless they understand His biblical guidelines. In this interactive workbook, Diana leads women through a self-examination of their lives and their goals from God's perspective, not the secular society's. They look at Scripture that shows how valuable they are to God and how they can have an intimate relationship with Him. And then they evaluate the standards that make them a daughter of the King: God's blueprint for their unique personality, for their sexuality, and for their relationships in the home and in the workplace. Ideal for individual use as well as for a woman's Bible study or for a larger discipleship/mentoring group, the book includes instructor's notes and an appendix of suggestions on how to conduct this twelve-week course.