The Shepherd's Heart "The Parables" - SEASON (DVD/CD Set)


Regular price $79.95

At a time when believers are being led astray by cults, counter-religions and mediocrity, it's vital that leaders understand and convey THE Shepherd's true heart. Mottel Baleston, Steve Shermett & Humberto Porras lead the way in discussing and dealing with the difficult topics head-on.  In this series, the team discusses The Parables. (Approx 12 hours)

12-Part DVD Series Includes:
Introduction to the Parables
Prayer and the Persistent Widow
The Dutiful Servant and New Wine
The Good Samaritan and Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
Parables of Obedience
Forgiveness and Prosperity
Being Fruitful in Gods Kingdom
Counting the Cost / End Times
Seeking and Loving the Lost
Invitation to the King's Family
The Prodigal Son