Coequal and Counterbalanced by John Garr


Regular price $20.00

Coequal and Counterbalanced : God's Blueprint for Women and Men by Dr. John Garr Feminine and Free Series Volume 2 God created woman and man so that they would be consubstantial and coequal and that they would manifest perfectly counterbalanced complementarity. The relationship of the two halves of humanity was to be one of love, mutuality, and fulfillment. By recovering the Hebraic understanding of God's blueprint for them, both women and men can finally experience the relationship that God designed to be Heaven on Earth. The God-Designed Two-in-One Designer Fashioned Woman Spare Ribs and Afterthoughts Coequal, Counterbalanced Partnership Gender Self-Identity and Self-Fulfillment Marriage as Heaven on Earth Whatever your race, ethnicity, gender, faith, or social status, this book will literally set you free from misconceptions that have long perverted relationships between women and men. As you reconnect with the Hebraic foundations of your faith, you will rediscover God's original design for humanity, and you will come to understand, respect, and honor the different roles for women and men that counterbalance and complement each other in mutuality and love. Available in paperback.