Tiptoe Into Deep Water by Rex Burns


Regular price $15.00

Tiptoe Into Deep Water is a series of true stories about an ordinary man's serach for meaning in life. The search for satisfaction takes Rex and Sherrel Burns from a wild time in high school through a frantic search for riches, including a trip to Australia looking for the perfect cattle ranch. Instead of a ranch, they found a joy and satisfaction in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. After a rocky start on the Christian walk and a total surrender to full-time ministry, God allowed Rex and Sherrel to live and operate the very ranch Rex had dreamed about. In 1995, the ranch was sold and Rex and Sherrel started Deep Water Ministries, working with churches and on the streets all over the U.S.A. and 27 countries. The goal if this book is to enourage the body of Christ and help equip the saints for ministry.