Experience the humor, heartbreak, and elation of this riveting narrative about Judy Reamer, whose curious mind took her into surprising places and uncharted waters. A book, a trip to Las Vegas, and a worldwide entertainer were all instrumental in moving this independent Jewish Philadelphian beyond her self-centered world.
Wired to wonder, Judy ultimately found herself wired for wonders when her dramatically changing worldview led to repeated encounters with God’s supernatural work.
Judy’s story will take you through her escape from the heavy hand of the cults and the strong arm of the turbulent USSR, an unjust courtroom outcome, and her husband’s untimely death. But most remarkable of all, you’ll see what happened when this "wondering Jew" met the most famous man of all ages, born across the sea. Life was never the same. Nor was it boring. Oy!
Judy Reamer is a GLC teacher! Her program What's the Cost? (based on her best-selling book Feelings Women Rarely Share) is available on DVD & MP3 Audio. Copies of her guest appearances on Light of the Southwest are also available!