"On the Walls of Jerusalem" with Lars Enarson (DVD Programs)


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Lars Enarson, a native of Sweden, is the founder and president of The Watchman International, a ministry dedicated to uniting the church in prayer and intercession for end time revival. A major part of its ministry is The Elijah Prayer Army, a worldwide network of prayer cells interceding for revival in Israel and the Middle East. Lars Enarson is an international prayer leader and has been involved in the front lines of intercession since the late 70's. He has traveled extensively in the U.S., and other nations. His ministry has a prophetic voice from the Lord's heart, and his teaching imparts a strong desire for prayer. Lars Enarson now resides with his family in Israel where he oversees a 24-hour prayer ministry on the Golan Heights. He publishes a weekly e-mail Prayer Alert from Israel, where he reports on the present situation in the Middle East, and gives direction on how to pray. He strongly encourages churches around the world to get behind the revival in Israel among both Jews and Arabs with both prayer as well as finances, to usher in the return of Jesus back to Jerusalem. Choose your desired program number from the dropdown list above.