In 1993 Chattanooga, Tennessee became the only mid-sized city in America to close the doors of its neighborhood abortion clinic. Three years later the National Memorial for the Unborn was begun to offer peace to post-abortive parents, to remember babies who have been lost to abortion, and to offer the hope of salvation.
Many women have kept their abortion a secret--not telling their parents or even their own husbands. Their good intentions to solve a crisis pregnancy have left them with deep wounds and unresolved emptiness in their heart. The National Memorial has stepped in to bring hope and healing for these multitudes of hurting women.
Within the National Memorial are plaques that have been erected by hurting parents to remember and memorialize a lost life--a young daughter or son given up through abortion. Behind each plaque is a story that need to be told. Through God's tender mercy, these stories are shared in this book for the first time. The book concludes with several stories of adoption, to show that this life-giving choice is happening all over the world.
Hardcover | 112 Pages | By: Wendy Williams, Ann Caldwell