A fresh, exciting study of the Feast of the Lord showing how they are pictures pointing to Jesus and their personal and prophetic significance for today's world. Dr. Booker explains how the Feasts represent seven steps to Christian maturity and the peace, power, and rest of God. He connects the Feasts to Christian worship and lifestyle showing Christians how they can celebrate Jesus in the Feasts. He also includes a chapter on Purim and Hanukkah. A unique feature of this book is Dr. Booker's presentation of who really killed Jesus and a time chart explaining when Jesus was crucified and resurrected according to the biblical calendar. The chart itself is worth the price of the book. The Feasts of the Lord given originally to Israel are pictures of the Messiah, and represent seven phases of spiritual growth in the life of believers: PASSOVER, UNLEAVENED BREAD, FIRST FRUITS, PENTECOST, TRUMPETS, ATONEMENT and TABERNACLES. Welcome the relevance and richness of celebrating the feasts today! Available in paperback